Now a day’s money income is very difficult if you are doing nothing. If you have a computer and using Internet daily then there is an opportunity for you to earn daily 1$ by doing nothing. Yes my friends, this is right. There is an unbelievable program that becomes viral on the Internet these days. By using this computer application you can earn extra income from home without doing anything. This is a simple program like your Windows media player to use. You just have to follow the below procedure to download this application.
1) First Register on DigitalGeneration.
2)3) Open your Profile, from Personal menu and Enter your phone number.
4) Now wait some while to get your verification code.
4) once you
5) Just remember only the numbers of code should be sent from +447937946882 or +19494840033.
6) After verify your number it should be written,Successful verification.
7) Now click on Tickets, then New ticket. In new ticket form, fill like below.
Subject: No thread received
Department : Support
Question: I have verified my email and mobile number but still I am not getting any thread. Please give me thread as soon as possible. Thank You.
8) Now download the software wait for receive your free thread. It will be sent to you within 24-48 hours.
How to install in multiple Computer’s
(This is legal process and you can maximize your earnings)
1) Click the Get token button (Under Account tab of the software).
2) A browser will open. Log-in to your account.
3) Go to Profile and click Refresh token.
4) Copythe token generated and paste it in the software.
5) Click Save token.
6) The token must be different for every Computer in order for theserver to synchronize your earning server time (00:00:00) US Time Zone.
2) A browser will open. Log-in to your account.
3) Go to Profile and click Refresh token.
4) Copy
5) Click Save token.
6) The token must be different for every Computer in order for the
Why this company pays us? The company pays us for we offer a little share of the processing power of our computer to assist the Company’s server. The benefits are
*Daily earnings 1$
*20% direct referral commission every day
*10% of your Indirect referral every day
*20% direct referral commission every day
*10% of your Indirect referral every day
You can get your money anytime you want by Bank account, Paxum, Payza and paypal . So why you are waiting for? Register Now and get your pocket money daily. For any problem feel free to comment.
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